Saturday, 25 January 2014

All About Me

As this is the first blog of mine anyone will ever read, I've decided to start with a post All About Me - and I hope, in few years time, we will look back at this and remember where it all started.

So to begin with, my name is Georgia and I am currently 16 years old. I was born in the city of Wolverhampton but spent the start of my childhood in the small town of Hereford. We (my mum, dad and little sister) moved back to Wolverhampton so I could start school where I already had a place reserved (how posh!). My mum is still working at that school a good 11 years on!

At this time, my hair was VERY CURLY and was beginning to get VERY DARK (I was born with quite blonde hair but it grew to be much darker). I obviously have very little memories of these times although I do remember moments of trauma like on my very first school photo day when I was showing how good I was at skipping until I fell onto the hard gravel and busted my face up. Somehow that picture never made it home!

Looking back on days at primary school, it was a pretty awful time. There wasn't a lot of money in my school and so we often had to 'make do' with second best. I don't remember a lot of things about school other than when new things were built and I soon forgot what it was like not to have them. I remember having dirty toilets, wobbly tiles and a selection of pegs for entire classes of 30+!

I was quite popular in school - mostly because my mom worked there - but I think it was because I was so keen to make friends. Up until Year 5 (age 9-10) I don't remember any major arguments but once we reached our final years at primary school, the divides started to show. There were 3 main groups of girls - the biggest group often lead by me, a smaller group lead by someone I actually got quite friendly with in secondary school and a selection of girls who used their older brothers to scare the rest of us - which usually lead to some kind of playground war.

My two last memories of primary school are the end of SATS and the Leaver's Assembly. I'm pretty sure our last SAT was Literacy (English) and I distinctly remember being handed a yellow ice lolly by the Head-teacher who said "Now that wasn't so bad was it?" through her misshaped teeth. My memory of the Leaver's Assembly is strange; I remember everyone stood on stage crying and me with dry eyes thinking "I can't wait to get out of here" and then later crying in the classroom simply because everyone else was. I then remember having to stand up to present the teachers with some flowers (which they didn't know about) and stumbling over my words saying "tanks" instead of "thanks". This definitely made my Most Embarrassing Moments list!

The next school related memory I have was the first day of secondary school. This is a memory that has stayed with me for a VERY long time. I remember pulling up in my dad's little car and waiting to see if I recognised anybody. When a saw a girl from primary school I quickly got out of the car and we walked into the school together. I remember how big and scary it felt just from the outside and I remember it smelt like fish and chips (it continued to smell like this until the very day it was knocked down). I never seem to remember my first day of anything other than getting there as I think I focus too much on not making a fool of myself.

I liked secondary school almost as much as I liked primary - i.e. not very much - most likely because of the lack of money but also because of the lack of excitement. Every day for 4 years we did the same thing and saw the same people and - nearly - ate the same food. We rarely went on trips as something always managed to come up (like that year when everyone went out for 'activity week' and the Year 10s had to go on work experience) and if you were lucky enough to be offered a trip, it was usually because you'd been recognised as 'Gifted and Talented' (a load of Sugar-Honey-Ice-Tea) or you had behavioural issues. I did get to go on one special trip though to the Rock Assembly in London where we saw Diversity, Parade and several other acts that were cool at the time but I don't remember what I did to deserve that! I also went on a trip with the gymnastics team to London to watch an ex-pupil compete but that honestly was it.

After leaving school with a selection of GCSEs (1A, 5Bs and maybe 2 Cs), I decided it was time to move on and I started at a Sixth Form College to do A-Levels which is where I am now. So far I am enjoying it and would recommend it to anyone. I just hope it was the right thing to do!

In the future I simply hope to have a good job, a loving family, enough money and happiness in myself. I am thinking of going to university but I am also thinking of taking a gap year off with my best friend so we can travel America but I'm really not sure! I say all the time that I want to be independent but I was someone to make decisions for me.

And this is where today's post will end. I hope this wasn't too boring to read and I hope one day we will read this back and seek comfort in where we first met.

That's all folks, goodnight.


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